الرئيسية arrow ليه آكفليكس

ليه برامج حسابات آكفليكس

انطلاقا من رؤية شركة هدف للبرمجيات فى تقديم برامج حسابات مختلفه تدعم اللغة العربية ذات جوده عاليه وبالشكل الذى يلبى احتياجات ومتطلبات العملاء وتحقيق أعلى معدلات أداء وفى اطار تبنى مفهوم الجوده الشامله فى جميع مراحل دورة التشغيل تتميز مجموعة نظم أكفليكس البرمجيه بالعديد من السمات والخصائص المميزه والتى تمنحها ميزه تنافسيه كبيره

المزايا العامة
img Comprehensive reports
img Ease of use
img Integrated billing system
img auto backup
img Compatible with Windows
img multi language
اهم المزايا الآخرى
Integrated linking between parts and departments of the project
Revaluation Model
Regulatory Compliance
Strong Technical Support
Full Flexibility and Accuracy in Use
AccFlex ERP comprehensive system consists of a set of sub-systems "Modules" that cover all aspects and departments of the project, managerially and financially, according to the nature of the project activity, organizational structure and requirements of the internal control system, and subsystems operate managerially independently and interconnected accounting such as the sales department issuing a sales invoice from inventory management module and then the system automatically recording that the customer indebtedness maturity
AccFlex ERP system accounting software packages are unique to other systems with a revaluation feature. Sometimes users may change in the inputs of the purchase invoice as the purchase price "in case the user is grant authorizations to do so" and after the modification is saved the system automatically performs a revaluation of all transactions related to the purchase invoice
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are the core and main strength in the build and design of AccFlex ERP system accounting software packages for financial affairs management in business organizations. Journal entries and ‎balancing of accounts are treated automatically with every transaction made on any sub-system of the main system components (warehouses, treasury, manufacturing, human resources ...)
Hadaf Software Solutions Company is characterized by the presence of a strong technical support team, accounting and technically, equipped with the latest technology that enable it to handle the customer's critical issues as well as dealing with any new requirements required by the nature of the customer's activity in the light of the long-term relationship between the two parties.
AccFlex ERP system combine flexibility and ease-of-use the systems and between the high precision in treating and posting financial transactions on the one hand and the accuracy in use on the other hand, and AccFlex ERP system provides the user with sufficient flexibility in integrating with external systems such as importing transactions and inserting them into the system through an "Excel Sheet"
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