Articles arrow How to code the items on the warehouse management program

How to code the items on the warehouse management program

How to code the items on the warehouse management program
Published By Accflex 27 March 2018

Methods of coding items and their application to warehouse management program

Meaning of coding varieties? What is the importance of coding items?

And would the coding matter if you were working as a notebook or on an accounts and warehouse program?

What are the methods of coding the common items in any warehouse program?

financial system of the company, and that the coding is not limited to items only or to coding public accounts only, but it is possible to code the employees in the company, especially if you are working on a human resource management program, and it is possible to code my customers and suppliers. It is also possible to code my types of restrictions.

Coding is very important in any company, regardless of its activity, as we will see in this article, which talks about coding in general and the coding of items in particular, and its application in the warehouse management program as well

And whether you are working by a ledger system or on an accounts and warehouse program, we agree that in order to build a warehouse system on sound foundations, the first step that you must think about after establishing and coding your warehouses is to create a tree accounting guide for items that includes regular coding of items

Because the importance of the items guide and the coding of items in any warehouse program or in your books as an important stage of establishing an integrated warehouse system, we have dedicated a series of articles that talk about how you create a warehouse items directory for your company, in which we talk in detail about the items guide and create an integrated storage system

This is the general form of the items directory and its branches, as it appears in the accounts and stores program within the Accflex system

Accounts and stores program

What is the meaning of the items coding?

Is the coding of the items different if you are working on a warehouse program?

And if you are working on an accounts and warehouse program, what is the best way to code my items?

The coding of the items means coding them, meaning that each item in the store is given a specific number, and this code, code, or number for the item must be distinguished for this item, meaning that we cannot give one code for more than one type.


The methods of coding items differ from one activity to another and according to the vision of the financial management and its perception of the general form, and in any program of accounts and coding stores it is automated, but the accounts programs in general differ in the percentage of flexibility that is provided to you by the item stores program that we use where you have more than one method and form in the coding of the items Your own.


If you are working in a program of accounts and stores, the best way you can use it in coding the items in your own is that you code them according to the store in which the item is located and according to the group to which the item belongs, meaning, for example, if we say we have a class code 001201, this may mean that this item is in the store No. 001 (for example, raw materials store), and it goes to the group of items that number 2 in this store, and this of course is the first item in this group and its number is (01).

. According to this method, I must have stores and give each store a distinct number, and the homogeneous items must be divided into groups and each group of items must be coded with a distinct number, and then I code my items according to the main and subgroup and according to the store in which they are located

What is the importance of coding the items in any way of coding the items, whether you are working in books or excel or in any program of accounts and stores?

The first feature of coding the items in the warehouse management program in coding the items is that if I were running on a warehouse management program, I would not be able to make any warehouse movement on the program (sale, purchase, inventory, settlement, waste ....) unless this item actually exists On the system Because any warehouse program identifies the item as a code or symbol more than it identifies it as a name.. Friendly, because the name of the item can be changed or repeated, but the code does not change or repeats of course.Here, we must know that if there is no code for the class, it will not be possible to move on the system from the ground up.


The second feature for coding items in excel or ledger..

 If I am not working on a warehouse program, and I work all in my book or on Excel, so the process of coding the items will be important in relative terms because the chart of accounts and the coding of the items will be a guide to the accountant in his accounting directives, issuing his bills and extracting his reports, especially if you are working in very many items. The invoice is issued for a screen of a certain type in the name of a certain type, and a second bill is issued for the same screen in the name of another, and the next bill is issued for the same screen with another name. From here, there will be a conflict in the names and accounting directives, as well as the same as that you buy the item under a specific name and sell it under another name. Categories include the coding of the items in an orderly manner, within the standardization of accounting directives and non-conflict, until I changed the name of the item more than once because I deal with a code that does not have a name.

The third feature of coding items with tax transactions

In coding the items, it will be important if I have tax transactions, because like we have agreed not to standardize the names of the items in the transactions such as selling and buying, this is a bad impression about the organization in the company and in the directives, and it is possible that it may cause great harm to the company with regard to tax transactions, but if you have a specific item coding system

What are the other methods of coding the items?

Likewise, we agreed that it is assumed that in any accounts and stores program there is some type of item coding that is automatic The coding of the items is mainly supported by the warehouse management software from Accflex

- Coding according to the store, the main group, and the sub-group.

- The code according to the supplier selling the commodity.

- Coding according to the nature of the product (raw materials, finished product ....)


- The coding according to the origin of the class.


- Coding according to the weights of the item.


Coding according to colors and sizes.


- The coding according to the place of the item in the store.


- Coding according to the units of the item.

The most important advantages of the warehouse management program from Accflex in coding the items

Flexible varieties directory that includes tree varieties formation without a minimum number of branches

Flexibility in coding the items by more than one code and more than one way according to the vision of the financial management.


Defining items with more than one characteristic such as color, weight, and size in the Accflex accounts and stores program.


- The existence of more than one way of pricing out of stock at the item level, such as the first in first out and the weighted average.


The possibility of linking one item to more than one unit, such as grams, kilograms, and tons.


- The possibility of controlling the accounting
directives related to the movements of items at the level of a single item,
group, or store as a whole

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