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Learn about Ready Mix Concrete AccFlex ERP Software Solution Cycle

Learn about Ready Mix Concrete AccFlex ERP Software Solution Cycle
Learn about Ready Mix Concrete AccFlex ERP Software Solution Cycle
Published By Omar Safwat 24 June 2020

The ready-mix concrete activity is classified as one of the most growing activities currently, as it is linked fully to the construction sector, as construction projects expanded in Egypt and the Arab world significantly over the recent period, the importance and growth of ready-mix concrete activity has increased, so there is not a high-rise building or commercial building except for the ready-mix concrete activity is included in its construction, as well as it is not possible to set up  a factory, build a bridge, or pave a road except by relying on ready-mix concrete batching plant, whether fixed or through heavy transport vehicles, which is a mobile ready-mix concrete batching plant, and given the diversity and accuracy of fixed and variable costs necessary to produce the finished product of ready-mix concrete such as (concrete model compressive strength 200 kg/cm2) and others, making it impossible for traditional costing systems to accurately calculate the costs of raw material, the finished product, and fixed and variable costs, which may incur the company more losses due to inaccurate calculation of costs, accounting software systems had a significant role in the ready mix concrete activity starting from the procurement of raw materials through the production processes ending with finished product production and calculating fixed and variable costs, making the finished product cost the most accurate, and then the company can make its profits, we will cover one of the best software in Egypt and the Arab world that provided a unique model for the ready mix concrete (RMC) management software, which is Ready Mix Concrete AccFlex ERP Solution.

Ready Mix Concrete AccFlex ERP Software Solution Cycle 

Ready Mix Concrete AccFlex ERP Software Solution cycle is based on reliability and ease, as the software contains three main menus: Settings menu, Production menu and Reports menu, the software covers all the needs of the ready-mix concrete companies of the data and information needed to the ready-mix concrete activity management as easy as possible, and the software simulates a realistic model of the nature of business of ready-mix concrete companies, before starting to use the software, must first create the production elements of raw material and finished materials (finished product) through the inventory management software.

First, Item Coding

The item coding phase is based on creating each item of raw material such as (sand, gravel, crushed-stone aggregate, cement, the material involved in the manufacture of concrete - .... etc.) by creating the item code from the Items screen in the inventory management software and entering all the item card data of (Item Name- Item Code- Unit of Measure- Item Price- Warehouse- .....) and determine whether the item has alternative items or not, and the software provides you to add more than one unit of measure for the item (kilograms- tons- ..), the software automatically converts between units of measure when receipt or issue, creating the finished product of ready-mix concrete such as (concrete model compressive strength 200 kg/cm2- concrete model compressive strength 300 kg/cm2-….) and selecting the components of each finished product of raw material, and the software provides you this feature through the "BOM" button, by selecting the finished product and add the materials involved in its manufacture.

Learn about Ready Mix Concrete AccFlex ERP Software Solution Cycle

Second, Production Menu

Through the production menu, the company enables ready mix concrete activity management, which contains three main screens; it is the screen of (Production Process- Production Order screen- Production Order with Direct Selling screen).

1- Production Process screen

Through the Production Process screen, the standard (planned) production process can be designed to create the finished product of ready-mix concrete, so it is selected how much it costs to produce one ton of ready-mix concrete for example (concrete model compressive strength 200 kg/cm2- concrete model compressive strength 300 kg/cm2....) of raw material (sand, cement, gravel, crushed-stone aggregate, material ....), and the feature of Ready Mix Concrete AccFlex ERP Solution, that once selecting the finished product (ready-mix concrete), it shows you all of its components that were entered from the inventory management software when item coding, as well as direct materials standard cost that are consumed during the manufacture of the  finished product (ready-mix concrete), also, the standard cost for direct labor of (workers' wages- engineers- supervisors ....) and indirect costs (such as equipment rental- utilities expense- administrators salaries- etc.) to produce the finished product, the screen provides you to create an infinite number of finished products (ready-mix concrete) and determine the cost of each. 

Learn about Ready Mix Concrete AccFlex ERP Software Solution Cycle

2- Production Order screen

Through the Production Order screen, the production process is managed and the actual production is completed for ready-mix concrete by selecting the quantities to be produced of the finished product (concrete model compressive strength 200 kg/cm2) for example how much it cost of raw material (sand, crushed-stone aggregate, gravel, cement, material ....), the software provides you to change the standard cost of the planned production process, as well as you can add a new raw material to the actual production costs and reduce/delete a standard raw material according to the production process model, and the actual costs involved in the production process are determined of actual work hours, labor, equipment, etc. required to produce the finished product, and one of the great features of the software is the ease of the production process management, once you click the button "Raw Material Withdrawal" and "Adding Finished Product Quantities" the production process is completed, but there is more than one additional feature in the software, before withdrawing quantities from the raw material warehouse you can click the button "Availability Check" which shows you the available quantities of raw material in the warehouse, as well as once the quantities are withdrawn from the raw materials warehouse and not added to the finished product warehouse, the materials remain in a transit warehouse called "Manufacturing process transit warehouse" until it was issued from it, which makes there a kind of control and tightness on the inventory materials and goods receipts and goods issue transactions.

Learn about Ready Mix Concrete AccFlex ERP Software Solution Cycle

3- Production Order with Direct Selling screen

This screen is designed due to the nature of the ready-mix concrete activity, as the nature of the product does not need storage due to its exposure to damage (may dry out), therefore, the Production Order with Direct Selling screen is designed to create a direct sales invoice once the production process is completed, the user can create a direct sales invoice to the customer, and it is characterized by AccFlex ERP system is the integration between its modules, Ready Mix Concrete AccFlex ERP Solution imports the customer data from the inventory management software, as well as the customer's tax data and the tax group can be added to the invoice as it can create (value-added tax (VAT) group and a withholding and collection tax group) and assign it to a specific customer and create the invoice, and Ready Mix Concrete AccFlex ERP Solution has been designed to provide a realistic model for the nature of the business of ready-mix concrete companies.

Learn about Ready Mix Concrete AccFlex ERP Software Solution Cycle

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