مقالات arrow The best online human resources management software

The best online human resources management software

The best online human resources management software
The best online human resources management software
تم النشر بواسطة Omar Safwat 04 January 2021

The great technological breakthrough has led to the development in economic activity which in turn led to an increase in the number and size of companies and branches in different activities. So , it is difficult now to connect branches using traditional management systems as they won’t perform as expected  .Therefore the need for an online human resources management system  has emerged , in order to manage and follow up human resources performance regardless the number of branches and distance .For example ,a multinational company ( Egypt ,USA , China……..etc.) , with an infinite number of employers ,can be managed instantly and easily .This is the most important advantage of  online human resources management software because it stores data on an electronic cloud on a website and the user can simply enter his username and password anytime and anywhere to use this programme .

Online human resources management software …why ?

Accflex has many advantages that  state it as the best online human resources management software . We can input and follow up the fingerprints of attend and leave at all the branches and worksites instantly .As soon as an employer prints his finger on attend and leave device at any branch ( ex. Alexandria or Aswan ) , the programme gets the data of attend and leave for this employer at once . The company policy is applied through the programme  like early leave , overtime and official holidays .This policy can also be adjusted according to the needs of the company .Financial processing for the employers’ accounts is an automatic procedure simply  when an employer prints his finger on attend and leave device  . The programme automatically  approves leave requests  so the employer doesn’t have to go to the company or even send his request via mail , all is needed is request from the online software which sends the request to the manager to approve without any delay . Accflex includes a lot of special reports that make it the most suitable software to manage human resources in companies with different size and activity.

What are  the advantages of online human resources management software (Accflex )

If you have Accflex , you will not need any other data saving servers . Assume that your company has more than 20000 employers and 150 branches , you will need hundreds of servers and huge computers as well as a big group of technicians to make a    spare copy of data every day in order not to be damaged , lost, burned , stolen or even  

failed technically .Using Accflex keeps your data safe and secret on an electronic cloud on the internet which makes it impossible to be lost , damaged or stolen . Furthermore this will save money spent on buying and maintaining the servers and wages of technicians . It is also flexible to input and review reports. So the employer can input data anytime and anywhere using his username and password and so can his managers review reports.

How does  online human resources management software  (Aceflex ) work ?

Aceflex depends on all  screens that the user needs to input employers’ accounts and data  which proves that this software to be a simple accounting   system  Human resources can be followed up ,  reported  and evaluated through it . Any employer can get a leave request at any branch or worksite using leave request screen . The software automatically sends the request to the manager to approve it . This reduces time and effort spent on procedures . certain criteria are set on evaluation screen to help assessing employers ( ex . punctuality , personal appearance , discipline creativity ………….etc. ) Also the degree of assessment in each criteria can be set and then it is easy to evaluate each employer using his reports . As for over time  screen we can set it as a percent of wages in an hour or as a fixed value  . Concerning salary screen we can know the value , deductions and net salary in a particular month for an employer . Project screen can connect a group of employers working in a certain project and  connect their data and their own policies .

What are the reports of online human resources management software ( Accflex )

Accflex presents a lot of special reports that the administration need to follow up and assess employers’ performance and watch their financial accounts . Through employers data report  we can review all the data of an employer in a fixed period of time ( ex . administration , direct manager , department , branch ,nationality …etc. ) whether he has ended his service or not  . The attend and leave of any group of employers during a certain period or even shift  can be tracked . Salaries of one or a group of employers during a certain month can be reviewed and printed in details  ( total salary , deductions , liabilities ,net salary ……….) . Moreover we can review advances ( the opening balance of advance ,deductions during advance ,ending advance balance ). We can track items of the salary using employers accounts like the base salary, allowances, social insurance premiums, payroll tax depreciation.

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