Articles arrow How to create an items directory in the logistic Module

How to create an items directory in the logistic Module

How to create an items directory in the logistic Module
How to create an items directory in the logistic Module
Published By Accflex 10 March 2018

Items directory or item tree, which is the second stage of the formation of an integrated warehouse system after establishing and coding the main and subsidiary stores.

If you are working on a warehouse management accounting program, then you need to create a catalog of items through which you know the items on the system and code them in a specific way according to the flexibility of the accounts program you are working on, because you will not be able to do any transactions on the system, whether selling or buying or other store movements

  If this item was not actually exist and recognized on the system, yours with a code or specific codes, that is not the warehouse inventory accounts, where the item code has a very important role in it to facilitate the inventory process.

If you are working on a ledger or an Excel, you need to create a tree items directory to ensure the standardization of your item names and do not sell the same item many times. With different names in the sales invoices, or you buy the item under a specific name and sell it under another name, especially if the size of the company is large, and more than one person is responsible for buying and selling. Therefore, if you have a catalog of items and each item has a distinct code for it from others, so keep any errors in the directions because you treat the item as a number, not a name.

How do I coding items in the stock?

Or what is the ideal way to create a tree varieties directory?

The first step is how to create an item directory in the warehouse accounts program

The first step in creating the items guide is to divide the items' types into main groups and Sub Categories according to your way of dividing the store internally or according to your general perception of the shape and content of the items guide. According to the brands of clothes or according to the type of the customer, such that you divide it into men, women and children, even if a specific factory may classify the raw materials according to the suppliers that it import or classify them according to the country of origin of these raw materials, as well as for Finished products




More often This categorization is done based on your need for information about the Transactions Reports or the transactions reports that are carried out on the groups, such as sales reports, purchases and settlements, or all kinds of profit reports.

The following picture is an illustration of a general form of creating a tree for groups in the warehouse management program as the first stage of creating the items directory

How to create an item directory in the warehouse management program


The second step is to code the item groups in the warehouse management program

The next step in creating the items directory is coding the items in the warehouse management program, which is about setting a code or a unique number for each type or group of the items groups. This means if I have a group of items called a computer. I can address it as Code 01 as the group No. 1 in the store, and two groups are branched out of it. Sub categories, such as servers that are given code 011, and laptop groups that have code 012

After that, it is possible to branch out the server group into the new server group, its code is 0111, and the used server group code is 0112, and so on.


The third step is to code the items in the warehouse accounts program

Here, the same items are encoded on which the movements are performed after encoding the groups in my own and the item is encoded according to the category to which it belongs, meaning if I have an item named "PC Lenovo core i5" and this is a used computer belonging to the sub-group of used servers. I can replace the code number 0111201, So that this Item has taken the main and subgroup code, which means that the first time I see this code, I know automatically that this product belongs to the main computer group 01 and belongs to the sub-servers group 0111 and belongs to the used sub-servers group whose code is 01112 and the class itself took code 01 which means the first product of this group


The attached picture is a picture of the items guide from the accounts and stores program.


How to code the items in the warehouse accounts program

Considerate that there is more than one way through which I can code the items inside the store, and it is not a requirement that I code them based on their own groups, even if this is prevalent in reality

Why are we coding items in this way? At the warehouse accounting program

Why are we coding items like this in the warehouse accounting program?

* The most important step in creation a store system, is to create a catalog of items and their coding, which is not important for the account tree, and on the basis of it I can control all the warehouse movements that can take place on these items

* In order to be able to do any transaction, whether selling, buying, settling, or returns of all kinds, it is necessary for these items to be present on the system with a distinct code for each of them, and this will facilitate the review and tracking of the item.

* Splitting and coding items will relieve me in my work, as I can then make reports at the level of these groups and review them also at a certain level

 I mean, if I want to know the amount of clothes that I sold, I know in a second, and if I want to know the quantity of men's clothes sold, I know in a second, and likewise if I want to know the quantity of men's T-shirts sold only.


How does Accflex_ERP system help you store system?

1) Complete flexibility in coding the items, I appreciate the items code according to the stored groups, I can code them according to the supplier and code them according to the units of measurement, and I can create a scale code for the weight items other than 10 other types of codes, and therefore I can do more than the items guide.

2) Configuration tree varieties inside the store include infinite number of forest according to the user's desire...

3) 3)The system contains all the definitions and data for stores and the items guide, so that I can distinguish the item with the characteristics of color, units, sizes, validity, weight, components, alternatives, price lists and also according to its nature if it is a raw material or finishing of the product.

4) The property of transferring item transactions, whereby I can transfer some or all of the transactions that took place on a particular item during a certain period to another class in the event of a mistake in directing the sale or purchase movements.

5) I can control the accounting directives for all warehouse movements at the level of a single item in the items guide, at the group level, or at the warehouse level.

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