Articles arrow What are the advantages of the accounting program for ready-mixed concrete plants and blocks

What are the advantages of the accounting program for ready-mixed concrete plants and blocks

What are the advantages of the accounting program for ready-mixed concrete plants and blocks
What are the advantages of the accounting program for ready-mixed concrete plants and blocks
Published By Accflex 17 July 2019

What are the advantages of the accounting program for ready-mixed concrete and blocks station?

What are the advantages of the accounting program for ready-mixed concrete and blocks station?

Accounting program for managing ready-mixed concrete station


1) The reservation stage of the concrete plants accounting program

The first stage of the operating cycle is on the program of accounting and management of

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Advantage of the ready-mixed concrete plants management program and the accounting cycle for ready-mixed concrete station:

Ready mix concrete station management program

The Accflex system for managing ready-mixed concrete plants is one of the most powerful accounting programs specialized in managing the ready-mixed concrete activity, not only accounting, but administratively through an integrated operating cycle commensurate with this type of activity. On the system completely.

Stages of the operating cycle in the Ready Mix ERP Software for managing ready-mixed concrete station:

ready-mixed concrete factories, for which the customer will be responsible for managing the sales, through which we record the customer's requests in detail on the system, and because this is a very important stage of the work stages on the system it is assumed that the Sales responsible records this data on the system

Customer name.

Types of concrete required in terms of concrete content and effort.

Delivery time by day and hour

The equipment used, such as the pump number, the mixer, and others.

The reservation screen in the program of accounts and management of ready-mixed concrete station Program for accounts and management of ready-mixed concrete station


2) Scheduling production operations in the ready-mixed concrete plants management accounts program:

At this stage, the program of accounts and management of ready-mixed concrete plants is completely automatic and is done based on the previous stage (reservation) so that the station manager or production manager can easily review the operating schedule by day, week, or according to the period The time frame to be reviewed as a production plan.

Program for accounts and management of ready-mixed concrete plants)


3- Production orders in the program of accounting and management of ready-mixed concrete station:

In this stage, we confirm the actual production based on the plan in the system, and all that is used by the user of the system will be called the reservation number that he will operate on according to the schedule set, and after this, the actual production and the quantity actually withdrawn from the raw materials is confirmed, and we let us know that the system here compares between the planned and the actual In terms of complete production, at the same time it compares the standard and actual of the withdrawn raw materials, and based on it, it gives very important reports about the deviations of production in quantity and cost


_ Ready mix concrete accounting program alerts to the materials required to complete the operation and production process


Withdrawing actual quantities with the possibility of being guided by the standard


4) The stage of production and delivery in the program of accounting and management of ready-mixed concrete station

The concrete is delivered to the customer in stages through mixers and drivers; the delivery process is confirmed and accepted through the concrete receipt voucher in which all the necessary data such as customer data and the type and quantity of concrete delivered to the customer will be recorded.

Screen of completion of production and delivery in the program of accounting and management of ready-mixed concrete station.

Accounting program for ready-mixed concrete plants management

5-The billing phase of the concrete plants accounting and management program

This stage is carried out by the financial department of the company, and through it the entitlement of the client's debt is proven based on the volume of deliveries made in the previous stage, and in order for this stage to be proven on the system, the accounts official issues a sale invoice summoned from the previous delivery notes.

Screen of issuing invoices under the receipt of concrete bills from clients in the ready-mixed concrete accounting program Ready mix concrete cost accounting program

The accounting course for ready-mixed concrete companies and its application in the precast concrete plant traffic accounting program and the general accounts program.

Here, we will see how the system will translate the previous stages and the financial work cycle within the public accounts program (operations with a financial impact).

When withdrawing materials 1)

Here, once the withdrawal process has been completed, the system performs 3 operations:

Deduction of raw materials from the raw materials store in terms of quantity and cost (according to the method of pricing spent from inventory).

Increase production in operation with the quantity and cost of raw materials withdrawn from the raw materials store.

Proof of the journal entry for the withdrawal process as this:

 From h the output is under operation.

To the h / raw materials store.

Accounting course for ready-mixed concrete companies and factories and a general concrete accounting program

Charging the production with labor costs and indirect costs   (2

And here, in the event of a desire to know the cost of a meter of concrete of a certain type at the cost of raw materials, labor and other indirect costs, and based on a predetermination of the hourly wage rate for different labor groups, the production will bear the benefit of labor as well as other indirect costs, and thus we will have very important information about the cost of production. The profit margin achieved is very accurate.

Recording of proof of production load in operation with direct and indirect costs:

From h the production is in progress

To h. monitor direct wages.

To h, control of indirect costs.

Documentary course for ready-mixed concrete plants

3) Upon delivery

it is very important to understand that in the delivery stage, the in-progress production is reduced by the value of the finished concrete manufactured and charged to an intermediary account until the invoice and recognition of the revenue and the process is proven with this restriction:

From h inventory transfers (broker account)

To h the production is in progress.

Documentary course for ready-mixed concrete plants

4) The billing stage

And through it we acknowledge the sales process revenue after the completion of the delivery to the customer, and as soon as a sales invoice is created (summoned from delivery bills) the following restrictions are proven

_ Record the cost of sales proof (closing the intermediate account)

From h the cost of sales

To h transfers.

Entry of revenue recognition:

From customer h

To those mentioned

H sales revenue of complete production

Value-added tax on sales.

Sales entry in the general accounts program

Accounting program for managing ready-mixed concrete station

We would then have dealt mainly with the advantages of the program of accounting and management of ready-mixed concrete station, and the application of an integrated accounting and documentary cycle for sucking, ready-made concrete, and applying it to the general accounts program

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