Articles arrow Why is Accflex ERP is the best system for all companies

Why is Accflex ERP is the best system for all companies

Why is Accflex ERP is the best system for all companies
Why is Accflex ERP is the best system for all companies
Published By Omar Safwat 12 January 2021


Why is Accflex ERP is the best system for all companies

To know the answer to this question , we have to know the components of ERP system . It is an electronic system for companies that uses computers to administrate and develop  the company activity or to make decisions . This is achieved through electronic connection between all the departments and units of the company by one program that connects the company to work as an administration . E R P includes a group of sub programs  such as financial accounting program ,  store management program , clients’ and suppliers’ accounts and sales and purchases management program , treasury and banking management program , human resources management program …etc. Also there is a group of programs that are assigned to certain activities ( construction accounting  management program  , restaurants accounting  management program ,sell  management program for commercial companies manufacturing program for administrating the manufacturing companies , precast concrete management program , marketing and real estate companies  management program ) and many other programs included in ERP systems through which  we can administrate companies  , follow  up performance and review data and reports of all departments instantly . Consequently , we can make the best decisions as quick as possible . Companies have to use  one of ERP systems .

 Because of technological development in general and electronic commercial development in particular added to the increasing competitiveness among companies  . It has become necessary  for companies to use ERP systems .

What is the best program that can achieve the company goals of management and performance development ?

This question has been and still is a point of research for most of the companies . But to answer it    and choose the suitable program , we have to set some criteria to estimate the best ERP program .

Criteria to choose the best ERP for companies :       

1- Company activity : is an important criterion that must be considered on buying an accounting program . The ERP program should cope with the company activity and should be tested by more than one client who has a similar activity . Moreover it should present solution for all problems that face the company ,also it should help in developing the company performance through applying international systems in performance assessment .

2- Technical support for the program : is the most criterion at all standards .If the accounting company is big with a stable place  and a big basis of clients and a number of technicians ,programmers and program testers ,it will be better when you need an instant technical support in case of any mistake or  failure . This makes the program more efficient and constant Unlike small companies that might be individual establishment  and consists of one programmer or technician . It will be difficult to face any failure in the program or even the help will be delayed which affects the company work    so it gets rid of the program .

3- Applying international accounting criteria : ERP applies international criteria both in accounting and management as well as in manufacturing , constructing and others .It is better than any program that doesn’t apply international criteria or even isn’t designed to suit the international criteria of performance . This is because the main purpose of having these accounting programs  is to develop the company activity to meet the criteria of international accounting  , comprehensive quality and performance development in order to deal with problems of the company .So the companied have to be careful to buy programs that are designed according to international accounting criteria .     

4- ERP is a complete program : ERP includes more than one program for management ( general accounting , treasury , construction ……etc.)issued by the same programming company . This is much better because ERP components are compatible with each other concerning design and policy  (of the same programming company )   . This in isn’t true if there is more than one program of different programming companies  . Hence companies must be accurate in choosing accounting program in case of developing their activity which requires other sections like human resources program or store management program . Therefore it is better to look for a programming company that has accounting programs for all activities so that the company can go on faster and better .

 5- Price : companies may consider price the first and critical   factor .However price is a secondary factor in choosing the accounting program , but it is important . Not all cheap things are worthless and not all expensive ones are worthy .So the program should be estimated through following some points and  comparing the advantages for the company to its price . If the achievements can cover the price , the company can buy it and vice versa . Price factor here is depending  on the program services (quality , applying international accounting criteria , programming language , performance speed ,technical support , clients basis , program testing …..etc.) That is why cheap price is not considered an advantage in many cases and it  may cause work delay and mistakes in reports and outputs which in turn cost much more than what was saved in buying an expensive qualified program. 

Accflex ERP systems ……WHY ?

ERP system is one of the best integrated accounting programming systems in Egypt and The Middle East . It is appropriate for all kinds of activities . The ERP system includes programs for general accounting ,store management sales and purchase , clients’ and suppliers’  accounts , treasury , banking and financing   management , construction , investment and real estate , precast concrete , manufacturing management  , restaurants accounting management  , sales centers , human resources management and many other programs . HADAF company  ,the owner of  the program , has  a large  basis of clients in Egypt and the Arab world and previous experience for a lot of clients in different activities . All of Accflex programs are designed to meet the established  international criteria and systems  . A very efficient and qualified team design and develop the program in addition to a  team of technicians ready to deal with all the problems that face the companies  through the internet instantly or to head for the company if necessary .  Moreover the program has more than one version and it is online which suits companies with more than one branch or work using sell chains .

We can summarize some of the advantages of Accflex system as follows :

1 – General accounting program is flexible and easy . All the accounts of the  company  ,whatever their kind and size, can be run through the program  .It is designed to suit big , medium and small companies .The program is characterized   by  applying the international accounting criteria starting from accounting chart ,  passing by journals and ending with preparing concluding financial statements . Accflex presents  creative solutions for financial administration that  facilitates accounting constraints input and problems solving . There is also the advantage of importing and exporting files  from excel . Reports ( output ) can be designed through the program as well according to the user ‘s desire . In addition ,there is an integrated comprehensive system for the processes of reviewing , accuracy and correction through the program . Furthermore Accflex  presents a group of warning and alerting messages to avoid accounting mistakes and the tax system that calculates  value-added tax  and deduction  tax automatically  through the program . Besides there is a special part for assets in the program which can add and delete assets , change cost centers  and calculate their costs automatically . All reports concerning assets data and depreciation   can be obtained as well .

2 – Accflex includes a group of programs  within store management program .Such as clients’ accounts management  , sell processes , purchase processes management  and suppliers’ accounts . Added to this  a  part for  items and inventory   and store control  .Connecting all those parts is what makes Accflex special as every action in a part affects the other parts accounts .Store  management program is related to the other parts of Accflex ERP  which produces a great model .

Accflex store management program is flexible and  easy to learn and apply . All kinds of company activities can be run using Accflex because of the its  flexible designed interfaces . Data input concerning items and sell and purchase bills is easy to  be imported from excel files . The program enables you to input an infinite number of items instantly using a  bar code device and to make an inventory for the items anytime  automatically as soon as possible  . Storing restraints and sell and purchase activities are set automatically as well   and this affects the accounting chart at once .The program presents A  ideal course of sales and purchase  attached to a group of permissions . Accflex allows reviewing reports about all items  , storing activities , sales and purchase and balances of clients and suppliers . This helps the company administration to follow up performance and make decisions .  

3 – Accflex human resources management system is distinguished from other programs by applying  the international systems of comprehensive quality and human resources management . It is intended to suit all kinds of companies so it can design the administrative policy of the company ( attend and leave , early leave , leave requests ,shifts ,overtime  …etc.)  In addition the program can be attached to the  fingerprint device to record attend and leave .  All employer’s data can be added using employer’s interface and connected to human resources interface for example attend and leave and leave requests and others . Professional history of the employer is reviewed by the program as well .Leaves of absence , end of services are approved and wages are calculated according to attend and leave times and applied polices  automatically  after deductions and bonuses then net salary is figured out  and sent to the financial management to pay . Furthermore there is a part for employers’ assessment using established standards and adding the estimation points to achieve justice in work and in turn lead to make the best use of employers’ abilities  .The program includes a great group of reports that cover all employer’s data ( monthly salary , income ,work times ,leaves of absence ….etc.) which helps in managing human resources in the best way .

4  - Treasury and banking management program is considered the fourth part in ERP system because  whatever the activity of the company is , these four programs ( general accounting program , store management program , human resources management program , treasury and banking program ) are indispensible as they form the main parts of the company programs . Later the company can add another part of the same programming company  that is related to an additional activity it wants to develop . On using Accflex treasury and banking management program  the company can administrate all its cash activities and financing . It is connected to the other parts of ERP so any formed bill by the store  management program  reported payable  in treasury and banking program . Also any payments through treasury and banking program appears in store  management program  as a paid bill   . No doubt that every activity on treasury and banking program interface is  automatically turned into an accounting constraint by the program which in turn affects the general accounting program  . Hence the treasury and banking part is characterized by reminding interfaces of the due dates of  suppliers’  notes payable and clients’ notes receivable on opening the program interface which helps in paying liabilities and collecting management on time  and in turn cash and financing management  of the company . The program presents an ideal model for paying process  which leaves no chance for mistakes .Treasury program  is divided into received interface when  turned on  the clients are classified . Then it imports all clients’ accrued bills from the other parts and sets their sums , also connects the sums to the accrued bill .  This is also true for the payments interface as the suppliers wanted to be paid are classified and  sums are set then connected totally or partially to the payment bill and so on . Moreover the program divides the bank interfaces into notes receivable  through which collection takes place by setting the client and bill intended to collect and add the check number with all its updates  ( received , returned , deleted ). There is also a notes payable interface to pay the check . What is special about the program is that the check can be designed to print using the program and add the checkbook serial numbers so that the check number is added automatically from the bank consequently this prevents any mistakes on paying  .In addition there are interfaces of money transfer activities and the internal transfers between a bank and another or a treasury and another . There  are parts concerning with cash charges management and letters of guarantee of companies and connecting  them to the bank . The program includes a group of financial reports that provide the administration with  all the cash balances and accounts to run financing processes through .

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