Articles arrow Advantages of the best accounting program for small and medium companies

Advantages of the best accounting program for small and medium companies

Advantages of the best accounting program for small and medium companies
Advantages of the best accounting program for small and medium companies
Published By Omar Safwat 22 December 2019

In a world where modern technology is accelerating and the business environment is growing rapidly and required from the need Keep up with these developments in our world
This is very important for small and medium businesses to keep up with this change. We must use modern technology especially the accounting software which is based on the planning and management of resources companies to take advantage of all its res This is the most important thing that occupies small and medium companies in order to increase the size of their business , and then it became a large company capable of growth and competition in the field of business, but it is worth noting here an important thing, which is that before small and medium companies buy the best accounting program(accounting software), they must properly define their needs. Therefore, properly identifying  the needs facilitates the task of choosing the accounting program that serves the company and works in planning the proper management of its resources                                                      Identifying Studying the needs of the company is the beginning of solving the problem for small and medium companies, so that we can treat it must first of the correct diagnosis of the problem and thus give the appropriate treatment "appropriate program" which has an effective role in the growth of small and medium companies and to determine the needs of the company we can answer the following questions:
 1-What are the weaknesses of the company?
 2- Determining the desired objectives "desired" goals of the accounting program to be purchased ?          
3- Is the company mainly applies modern management systems and whether their           employees are eligible to complete their duties enough?  
4-Is the company ready to change and apply the accounting program "Financial ERP System" at all its administrative levels?
5- Does the company have future plans to expand or add other activities?
After answering these questions, the company begins to search for a suitable best accounting program for its activities or activities that are willing to invest it.

The best accounting software for small and medium businesses  

   There are many accounting programs "ERP system "software, which have greatly contributed to the development of many small and medium companies, and perhaps the most famous and most popular of these accounting programs
1- SAP accounting software 
2- Oracle accounting software  
3- Microsoft accounting software 
4- Sage accounts software 
5- Accflex erp accounts software 

Their superiority has been demonstrated offer many of the software solutions that no doubt it has developed many small and medium-sized companies but also large
In view of the first four programs, their superiority was noticeably shown in providing many software solutions that undoubtedly developed many small, medium and even large companies as well, but due to the large cost of these programs in addition to being in English only, it became very difficult for a small or medium company in our Arab world to use such programs , but the accounts of programs offer the same services and software solutions at a lower cost and in addition there is available to the Arabic language Accflex software programs which offers several software solutions  for small and medium companies with advanced methods
Which provides information "reports" in the easiest and best way to display it? It also overcame many of the problems that many accounting programs in the Arab markets failed to solve. It also has a long history in providing these software solutions to many clients, "partners of success" By presenting many programs as "ERP system" for various activities

Public Accounts Program - accounts and stores program - Accounting POS program - Program management contractors Accounting - Program Management Real Estate Investment - Asset Management Program - the accounts of the program management of factory - Affairs Program staff - Program Accounting Restaurant Management - Cash Management Program - Concrete Program Ready ....) In many countries of the Arab world (Egypt - Saudi Arabia - Libya  ...) as it is distinguished in its "reports" outputs, distinguished and flexible also in the methods of input and ease of displaying screens, as well as methods and systems for monitoring errors.

How to deal with the best accounting software for multilingual companies

Once you buy the program has to be accounting for the company to be sure
1-It has changed its management methods in line with modern management systems It must also make sure that it needs the accounting program and that the development policy is continuous and does not go back to the paper system, as well as that all its employees are fully prepared for change. This point is considered one of the most important factors for the success of the accounting program in companies

2-Defining the terms of reference by determining the responsibility of each employee for a part of the accounting program system, for example that the financial manager has responsibility for closing financial periods, determining depreciation rates, allocations and reserves, and reviewing financial statements ... etc.) and that the head of accounts is responsible for reviewing the restrictions that are made Entering them from accountants and transferring them to the financial statements, as well as determining the responsibility of the accountant responsible for reviewing the financial document and accounting guidance on the system by entering accounting entries, as well as determining the responsibility of each accountant for his account (treasury accounts - the bank - suppliers – customers)

3- Making the connection between all departments and preparing this by developing systems and laws for internal linking between departments and sharing administrative decision-making and then in the ERP system, which increases the accuracy, efficiency and quality of the decision with the participation of all departments in reviewing and making decisions.
To learn more about how to deal with an Arab accounting program, we will review below the most important features of one of the best accounting programs in the Arab world, "Accflex Accounting Program"

Learn about the advantages of the accounting program "Accflex" 

The Accflex Accounts program is classified as one of the best Arab accounts program, because it contains many advantages, which include, but are not limited to:
 1-The advantage of defining financial periods and closing any accounting period after reviewing its balances, which increases the accuracy of accounting information and increases confidence in it, as well as a safety factor for the non-occurrence of any change to an accounting period that has been audited and thus reduces the chances of tampering or conflict with financial reports. Perhaps this feature is in the form provided by the Accflex program (free to determine the accounting period a month - two months - 3 months -6 months - years) is one of the most important thing distinguishes it

-  2-Ease of making depreciation of assets for the period without the need to manually depreciate the assets, by entering from the settings and specifying the accounting period and clicking on the “depreciation” of the assets and thus the depreciation of the assets for this period is calculated

. Best accounting software for small and medium businesses
3-Working as a single system characterized by Accflex accounts programs, the ERP system, that the accounts management does not need to make accounting adjustments for all the financial operations of the company. For each section, once the data is entered into the warehouse department, for example, the company “Module” has its own part
The accounts department is affected immediately and at the same time without the need for human intervention or making accounting entries. The accounting program itself is the one who does the work of linking the departments and making accounting entries, as well as the Personnel Affairs Department The program is connected  to a fingerprint that calculates the attendance and departure of employees without the need to transfer data from the personnel affairs to the financial section for calculating salaries, as well as the production and costs section Costs can be planned and actual costs are known by linking the cost accounts department with the production department. Measure that on all the company’s departments. Perhaps the model provided by the Accflex general accounts program is one of the best models in linking the company’s departments and working as one system
4 Easy input and flexibility in changing the method of changing the properties of the          chart accounts present in the Accflex Accounting program is one of the most wonderful methods of flexibility in that. When entering one of the elements of the financial statements, "assets for example," and by mistake I entered it as a creditor knowing that the assets are in debt and I made restrictions and created the tree in many programs Accounting becomes a disaster in the full sense of the word, and the matter is only valid by deleting the account tree and entering it again, but with Accflex Accounting program you can change the properties of the assets and activate the system to change these properties on the sub-accounts of the assets with ease from the settings .

 5-Transferring accounting entries, when making accounting entries on a specific account or cost center, and it was discovered that these restrictions do not belong to the cost center or the desired account, so you can easily transfer these entries from the account to an account or from a cost center A to cost centers B in the accounting program. Easily and without the need to waste more time and effort by re-entering these restrictions again and perhaps this feature is one of the most important features of Accflex Accounting Program
6-  6-Importing and exporting data In the Accflex accounts program, you can import the opening balances from an Excel file only by specifying the column from which to import the data without the need to manually re-enter these balances, as well as exporting any "reports" output from Accflex accounting programs to many formats Excel - Word - PDF .... And others, which give great flexibility in obtaining information in the fastest and easiest way, the ability to review and amend reports, as well as eases and speeds of entry
7-System of general accounts: Accflex accounting program is characterized by the ability to create a group of accounts and link them together and create a special screen for these accounts as a screen for receipts (treasury and bank accounts - customer accounts ...) and a screen for payments in it (treasury and bank accounts - supplier accounts ...) With the possibility of modification to increase the degree of control and increase the degree of security to prevent errors in entering accounts, enter suppliers' accounts instead of clients, and so on, and thus Accflex accounting program provides more security factors related to accounts

8-Estimated Budget: The existence of the estimated budget in the general accounts program has an advantage that is rarely found in any of the accounting programs in the market, but with Accflex accounting programs, we find that the feature of the estimated budget is present in a way that is commensurate with all the different activities in the cost accounts One of the most important branches of accounts in all companies And on its basis, the facility can know the best cost to achieve the maximum possible return, and then the estimated budget is the basis of the accounting program In the accounts program, we find that the flexibility of entering the estimated budget and linking it to the actual costs to stop the deviation of costs and then address the deficiencies

9-Ease of handling errors "reversing accounting restrictions" This feature is found in expensive international programs, and with the Accflex accounts program, we find flexibility in handling the error by entering the accounting registration clearance screen, and the system reverses the registration parties, "a work in progress systemic cancellation" quickly And without the need for human intervention, in a way that reduces time and effort, it is a great addition to the concept of flexibility of performance that is supposed to be available in the accounting program, which is considered an addition to the Accflex accounting program.

10 -A special screen for tax declarations and their payment The services provided by the Accflex Accounting program in the tax returns through the systematic calculation of the tax without the intervention of the human element or the need to make a tax settlement, as well as its containment of many tax models that exist only in the tax authority has saved more time and effort give unlimited potential for easy and flexible accounting work in calculating the tax base and the work of the problem faced by many representations of accountants but Accflex program not only offers a tax form screen in addition to the of tax payment

11. Easy to review and audit data (accounting entries) in accounts Accflex programs you can not only review of accounting entries and even the possibility of the amendment to such restrictions as to facilitate time and effort without having to go back under the same and re-enter or modify All this from one screen in addition to the numerous features search program you can search an accounting Accflex user name or account number.... etc.)

12 Accflex Accounting software provides an infinite number of reports, which is one of the Real - time strengths in Accflex accounting program where the company was based on a system developed in the ERP presentation of reports viewing at the same moment the data entry It provides more flexibility and accuracy of these reports and makes it very useful to senior management in decision-making, which covers all accounts and sections of the company (financial reports - Stores - Costs - Production - Personnel - Projects - assets ....) and at different cost centers The most important characteristic of any program is the output "reports" issued by it. Perhaps what the Accflex Accounting Program offers in terms of the pleasure of presenting reports is the most important thing that distinguishes it from other accounting program

If we talked about the advantages of accounting software company Accflex we can't field for this, so we're talking about it in detail later

Customer accounts and Achievement in the accounting program

The role provided by the accounting programs in the customer accounts and collection program had an important role in developing these accounts specifically. Previously, the paper-based system relied on human skill in managing collection accounts with continuous follow-up and continuously reviewing the collection periods for clients from one period to another, and human errors may occur It was also more vulnerable to manipulation, loss and forgetfulness, but with the presence of accounting programs, we were able to follow up collection accounts and customers with ease and without the slightest chance of errors, omissions, or loss of any amounts expected to be collected d And because the collection means the incoming cash inspections, the source of the company’s entry, and it is the basis for which the company operates and wants to expand and continue in the business environment. Therefore, interest in this section and its development is imperative until the financial situation of any company, especially small and medium companies, improves. For example, when we implement one of the accounting programs, we can enter All customer balances, deferred sales invoices, and collection periods The accounting program, without interfering, reminds of the cash amounts owed to each client, and customers' balances can be reviewed and the collection follow-up through the reports provided by the accounting program.
The system can also display the extent of the customer’s delay in payment, in a way that helps the company to make decisions about studying the credit accounts granted to each client, as well as studying the turnover of debit accounts "clients" and collection periods during the year "financial period", including the latter that helps the company collect its debts faster in The specified time, It reduces the chances of errors or omissions and reduces the risk of doubtful debts


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