Articles arrow 7 important reports about sales management inside AccFlex

7 important reports about sales management inside AccFlex

7 important reports about sales management inside AccFlex
7 important reports about sales management inside AccFlex
Published By Mahmoud Ali 15 August 2022


7 important reports about sales management inside AccFlex
One of the most important factors affecting the success or failure of applying any ERP system is the ability of the information system to provide accurate and timely information to users within the company. Sales and distribution system is an important and essential part of the integrated software system for Companies’ management provided by AccFlex, which provides an integrated system for managing and following up the sales process as per its mechanisms and strategies, whether through the normal sales cycle, point-of-sale system or the application of salespersons.

  AccFlex offers a very important set of reports for the sales manager and management, as you can browse through the system the most important reports issued and obtain information that affects decision-making inside your entity in general and information about the sales activity in particular based on the method of sale and the scenario followed by the company.

(You can watch a video explaining the most important sales management reports from here)


What does AccFlex for managing distribution process provide?


The most important feature of AccFlex accounting system in relation to reports and information extraction is the diversity and pluralism in presenting reports at the level of different sectors and departments of the company. In many ways, you can easily get brief statistics in the form of graphs and comparative figures on the company's financial position and growth rates at the level of sales activity and you can also get reports with more details about the performance of each internal department.

Sales reports (monthly, weekly or daily) are generally divided into groups. Each group is targeting the presentation of a particular type of important information and data for the system users, for example:

- Sales Reports Group: It aims mainly to present a set of important sales management reports that mainly serve the sector of VIP customers, wholesale customers as well as agents such as sales order reports, delivery permissions and invoices issued in total and detailed.

- Customer Reports Group: It aims to present a set of the most important sales reports that contain customer performance evaluation information in terms of debts, account statements for the ages of debt. One of the most important customers’ reports is the report of the standing customers that shows the list of standing customers and the latest transactions performed with them, and the sales official can create a visit plan for them with the salespersons.

- Sales and Profitability Reports Group: Includes a set of sales reports for evaluating profitability, sales quantity, value and growth rates that took place over a certain period of time. The most important feature in sales and profitability reports is the possibility of extracting them through various ways, for example, sales reports for certain products or sales reports for specific customers or sales reports for certain branches and stores can be extracted.

- Salespersons Reports Group: Through the set of sales reports for salespersons, you can extract a great set of sales reports through which you can evaluate salespersons' performance, such as monthly sales reports for salespersons in terms of quantity and value, and detailed reports for salespersons’ transaction and reports of the debts of salespersons.


What are the most important reports provided to you by AccFlex software for managing distribution department?


If you are looking for an integrated ERP system that supports you to improve the sales process and helps you to compete, AccFlex offers you the distinct distribution group in sales management and the various categories for customer sectors. The system offers you a wonderful set of reports at the level of sales management inside the company that helps you evaluate and improve the sales process by providing accurate data concerning the performance of sales processes, whether at the level of products, branches, customers or salespersons.  The system can easily obtain reports, so you can review reports through your mobile application specialized in displaying reports or the reports sent from the system by the email to the users or by accessing the system and reviewing the most important reports. The following are examples for the reports provided by our system:

  • Reports on the value and quantity of sales and growth rates in the sales of customers, agents, products, salespersons or regions during a certain period.

  • Sales reports and collections of salespersons, and its growth during a certain period through which you can measure whether the salespersons have achieved their target or not, visit plans, etc.

  • Reports on targeted sales plans, comparing actual sales with plans and comparing actual sales with previous periods.

  • Reports on the volume of available inventory, and the expected based on production plans and purchase orders, which makes it easier to know whether the expected demand can be covered or not.

  • Reports on debt analysis, debt ages, uncollected invoices from customers and collection delays for each sales invoice.

  • Reports on the sales documentary cycle in terms of knowing sales orders, delivery permissions, price offers, etc.

What is exceptional in AccFlex software is that is applicable in more than one sector of business, which supports you in transferring our expertise and applying the best business scenarios to the system, with the possibility of extracting a range of the most important sales reports, whether monthly, daily or weekly sales reports.

Click here to watch a full video explaining more about the sales reports provided by AccFlex.

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