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Best project management program used by companies

Best project management program used by companies
Best project management program used by companies
تم النشر بواسطة Omar Safwat 07 August 2022

Best project management program used by companies

SMEs represent a large part of investments in the world, as 80% of the world's companies are SMEs, and as that volume of investment is very important, countries all over the world and central banks have focused on supporting and developing this sector by removing all obstacles against its growth and support it with more investments and financial facilities that help support and grow this sector. Perhaps the initiative of the Central Bank of Egypt to support SMEs by providing loans with a small interest rate of 5% for small companies and 7% for medium companies had a big role in the growth of these SMEs and their acquisition of a larger market share as well as solving the financing problems of this sector in the market, which represents most of these investments, but not all of the issues of these companies lie in financing problems only.

The administrative and operational problems represent the hugest problem for these companies to grow and succeed in the business market and acquire larger projects. If we had a look at one of the most important sectors of these SMEs which is contracting, which represents about 70% of SMEs since they rely more on trained labor (technicians, manufacturers, engineers, supervisors, and workers), so the large contracting company (as a general contractor) have an infinite number of subcontractors specialized in implementing each of the terms of the project, so it was one of the priorities of the success of the Egyptian economy to focus on this sector and support it significantly for the growth of the Egyptian economy. In order to manage the contracting companies, you must have a program to manage contracting projects, starting from the purchase of the tender specifications until the final delivery of the project throughout all the details of the project. Following is one of the best programs of managing contracting projects, namely AccFlex for managing contracting projects.


AccFlex for managing contracting projects.


AccFlex for managing contracting projects is one of the best programs for management of contracting projects ever, as the program deals with all parties involved in the implementation of the project, manage them, link between them and between implementation items. The program deals with the engineering project starting from the purchase of tender specifications, then determining the value of the primary insurance for the project until the study of the estimated budget of the prices in order to present the financial offer to the company (this part of the program is considered one of the most important features of the program) as you rarely find a program that allows you to create a budget for the prices that include all the details of the project and link it to the actual implementation of the project.

You can also code the owners (customers) and connect each customer to their financial deductions from the items of the extraction as well as additions such as price differences and others. Each item can be linked to a subcontractor or more and determine its deductions. During the implementation of the project, the implementation rate for each item is determined either at the level of the subcontractor or at the level of the project as a whole. The program also allows you to create an extract (inventory extract) approved by the consultant as the extract of the project and the program raises the implementation rates based on the actual implementation of the project and determines the net value of the extract automatically based on linking each owner of the project to its deductions, as well as determines the net value of the subcontractor’s extract in the same way (linking the subcontractor to its deductions) and the program translates all these movements in the form of daily entries.

The program also allows you to follow the deviations of costs automatically due to the difference in actual costs resulting from the implementation of the estimated costs estimated by studying the project before the bid. The program maintains the database of the project with all the details of the business to the subcontractors to implement business costs in order to use them in the future in another bids. It also specifies you items that have deficiencies during implementation and the reasons for the shortcomings and deviation of the cost through the reports provided by the program that enable you to follow up all the costs and the project moment by moment and redirect the deviation whether in the costs or quantities of raw materials of the project.

In addition to the automated routing and correction system that distinguishes the program through warning messages to correct errors and the automatic error processing system in which the program does not allow the forwarding of any entries or wrong movements so that it won’t negatively affect the reports or database, AccFlex for contracting is one of the best programs that enable you to manage the contracting project in the company no matter how big it is, whether it is a small, medium or large company. This is one of the best features that make the program fit with all companies. AccFlex for contracting is suitable for all engineering projects that need certain techniques and items that no accounting program can manage accurately. That’s why AccFlex for contracting is your best option for managing engineering projects.


AccFlex for managing engineering projects.


The management of engineering projects depends mainly on specialized programs to manage this type of project, for example, the executive items of the project such as finishing, drilling or paints, plumbing, and others and units of measurement for these items: linear meters or flat meters or cubic meters or kg or others. In addition, the calculation of the total values of items requires the existence of a specialized accounting program to manage engineering projects. Engineering project is like building a residential building or school or establishing a road that requires many steps, starting from counting the work to be carried out, for example, the identification and measurement of these works and determining the quantities and values of each of these items and then translating all this to a financial value, all these steps are only done by our program, and no other accounting program can do all these tasks or manage these projects unless it is a specialized accounting program for the management of engineering projects.


AccFlex contracting program is specializes in the management of engineering projects as it contains a large database through which it can enter all the details; quantities and values and identify the unit of measurement for each item as well as linking them to the owners and subcontractors and determine the implementation rates of each item in line with the progress of the project and enable the users of Accflex for contracting to follow the progress of the project regularly and know the shortcomings and weaknesses in performance, which enables the company to correct the course of performance and direct it to the right track whether in the planned quantities or values of each item in order to avoid any loss in the project, thus achieve the target profit of the project and in general the company expands and acquires a larger market share due to achieving profit and accurate study of standard costs in addition to the guidance and correction system provided by AccFlex contracting program either through the costs or reports in the program, which enable the executive management or financial management as well as the senior management to take the right measures and that directs the project to its right path.

In addition, the program provides you with accurate calculation of costs and extracts of subcontractors which does not allow for deviation in costs and provisions of inventory movement and warehousing inside the contracting projects through internal control of the disbursement and addition of construction materials in order not to allow for deficiencies in disbursement and addition processes or deviation in material costs, in addition, to accurately calculating the fixed costs of the engineering project and distributing them accurately to each project. AccFlex for contracting program has a major role in accuracy calculating the value of the revenues and the owners' extracts and the remainder of the outstanding revenues and the date of disbursement of the business guarantee and others through the accurate reports provided by the program about the calculation of revenues and customers within the system of AccFlex contracting program.


Program for small-sized projects.


Small-sized projects are one of the most important pillars that support the national economy of the state, so a small project does not need too much capital or does not need more employment or employees as well as fixed assets and equipment. But to ensure the success of this small-sized project must be managed properly to avoid quick failure, therefore, we need an accounting program to manage this small-sized project in light of scientific and technological progress in various fields, as well as the presence of electronic accounting in addition to Modern means of communication. The following are the main elements to ensure the success of any small-sized project.

  1. Applying the accepted accounting standards in accounting management: The application of methods, systems, and accounting standards, whether Egyptian or international, is a must in order to ensure the success and continuity of any small-sized company. The failure of applying accounting standards by a small-sized company is considered an early certificate of death.

  2. The system of managing human resources as per the general standards: the system is the basis of success, without it, no accounting program can achieve success unless the correct administrative and accounting systems are applied, the existence of a strict system of vacations, working hours, permissions, rewards, promotions and others which ultimately achieve justice and create the best business environment for success.

  3. Training all employees of the small-sized company on accounting systems and management methods: training employees for implementing accounting standards as well as the implementation of all modern management methods in accordance with the standards is considered 50% of the success plan of the company, which facilitates the implementation of the accounting program. Accounting programs are based mainly on standards and accounting systems as well as modern management methods such as the comprehensive quality system and others. When employees apply these systems, they will make it easy to implement the accounting program, reflecting the company's success and development.

  4. Choose the most appropriate accounting programs for the company: When choosing an accounting program, you must take into account the size of the company's business and the nature of the activity, and future plans of the company in order to choose the best suitable accounting programs. AccFlex programs (General accounts – Logistics, customers, suppliers and electronic invoice - treasury and banking – production – Real Estate investment – constructions IShop – Icafe – Real Estate marketing – Ready Mix) is one of the best and most appropriate accounting programs in Egypt and the Middle East for SMEs, as it includes a various range of integrated and interconnected programs through which any activity can be managed, regardless of the nature or size of the company, whether small, medium or large, due to the ease of programs in terms of usage and the nature of their design to suit all kind of companies.

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